
A Unique Opportunity

Each week you will have access to new videos, written materials, inspirational links, ideas, and helpful info to keep you focused and on track.

These classes will be accompanied by a weekly live show on Zoom for the workshop attendees to meet each other and get valuable peer reviews.

You were sent here from my Don Giannatti website, This is my store site for sales and enrollments.


30-Day Portfolio Slam


The goal of this workshop is to build a portfolio and develop a frame for doing it again or at scale. The process and system are definable, and they can be used again and again to develop a portfolio, book, project, or presentation.

What are we talking about when we use “portfolio” in this manner?

A portfolio is a curated set of images that show the photographer’s style and aesthetic vision within a defined set of images.

We are not using the term to describe all of the photographer’s work, but one section of it.

Think of a tab on your website.

You may have several tabs on your home page: people | interiors | food, for instance. The conglomerate is a portfolio, but so is each tab. There is a people portfolio, an interior portfolio, and a food portfolio.

However, you may be wanting to add a “beverage” tab to your site under food.

That would also be a portfolio.

That is the mission of this class: how to build out a portfolio in thirty days.

And to be sure, this system can be used for planning and executing a personal project, or a photo book, or an article for publication.

30 Day Slam:
Live Classes are held on Saturdays, 9 AM Pacific.

September 2, 2023 Class Begins:
Video and written material/LIVE
What is a portfolio?
How to know what you need?
A new portfolio or filling in one that has been languishing?
Planning our schedule and scheduling our plan.
Choosing our topic

Class Two: (LIVE)
Topic chosen
Planning production
What do you need?
Acquisition of tools, props, or access
Working with sketches.
Planning the shoot.

Class Three: (LIVE)
Initial shoot proofs
Working with an image on set.
Creating more than one great shot per session.
Finding your voice as you shoot.
Maximizing your output.

Class Four: (LIVE)
Checking In
Sharing project picks
Editing the shoot.
Filling in the gaps
Peer and instructor feedback

N Class this Saturday.

Class Five: (LIVE)
The presentation.
Review of images (24 minimum, 32 maximum)
Discuss reshoots if necessary
Find the aesthetic that ties the work together
Discuss image flow.
What to do next.

This class is for those of you who want to build out something finished in a short amount of time. And then use what you have learned to do it again. And again.

I am limiting it to 10 participants.

There are five live shows with you in attendance. They will be recorded for your easy retrieval.

Also included are five video lessons, templates, examples, and industry best practices.

We will be in touch through live video and a Facebook Private Group

I am looking forward to what you come up with and seeing a lot of wonderful creative work.

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