Does Vison Trump Gear? (Essay Eight)

Recently an article caught my attention over at TIME. “Last Launch: Dan Winters and the Shuttle Program. TIME had commissioned Winters to photograph the final launch of the Space Shuttle and they showed a few of the images that will soon be in the book. The...

Keith and the Kudzu (Essay Six)

Keith was a photographer in Atlanta, Georgia. A dedicated artist and all around fun guy, he nonetheless harbored a deep and unrelenting anger toward the Kudzu that grew all around his studio. (For those unenlightened souls, Kudzu is an Asian plant brought to Georgia...

The Big Camera (Essay Five)

My Deardorff is still one my favorite cameras. Starting to shoot Tintype with it, but it is a bit slow going. I don’t have the time I need to devote to the learning curve of tintype exposure. I shoot some black and white with it as well, and will be taking a box...