Going Pro Photographer from a corporate gig is not as easy as many think it is.

Here is part one of things that you should think about before making the switch.

The List

  1. Turn a 9 – 5 job into a 5 – 9 job
  2. Do not underestimate the power of a good budgeting system. If you are not good at delayed gratification, this will be harder than it seems.
  3. Learn to love Mac and Cheese and Ramen
  4. If you don’t use it weekly, you don’t need to own it
  5. You will hate your boss… you will work when you are sick, and never be late
  6. If you are not working harder than you did at your corporate gig, you are failing
  7. Dress for the day. PJ’s and slippers will not put you into a work frame of mind
  8. Make sure you have a calendar and stick with it. There are far too many distractions to deal with otherwise
  9. Forget TV
  10. Save for rainy days… they happen
  11. Spend time with your family and be there when you say you are. Important to not work when you are with family time
  12. Shoot something every day… or every other day at least.
  13. Don’t measure your self or your work against others, just don’t.
  14. Watch closely for resistance… it can show up in the damnedest of disguises
  15. Don’t hide in your office… get out and meet people – especially other entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Being prepared is the best way to make anything work out.

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