Pop’s Wallet. (Essay Four)

My dad passed in 2000. He lingered on in a kind of a funk for so long, and got a little… well… uncharitable toward the end. When we finally talked him into hospice, he was so thankful for their kindness and really enjoyed his time there. After he passed I...

Roots. (Essay Three)

When I was in my early teens I happened upon some photographs by Weston, Cunningham and Adams. I had been making photographs for a few years. Just casually, no real intent in the work other than to have a keepsake of the place. Many of us start out taking images that...

My First (Real) Camera – Essay 2

I am not a camera geek. I don’t get into all the machinations of new this and new that. Not a part of my DNA it seems. I tend to find something I like and stick to it as long as it works for me. I watch other cameras with shiny this and awesome that and think...
“Coming Home” – Essay 1

“Coming Home” – Essay 1

Today is August 8. An interesting day for me. It’s some sort of milestone that people celebrate, but I usually spend some time to look over the next 12 months and make some plans. Recently someone told me about an ’30 essays in thirty days’ project....